Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Con Review Tuesday Pt. 1: Lock City!

Hey fellow readers! I know it's been a while, but I have been working my little behind off! I got two cons to review today, so don't go too far!

First of all, TERRIFICON is coming up this weekend, y'all! Yours truly will be there selling my wares, so just come by and give me all the money! Remember, I'll be in the Artist Alley area, at table 65, so make sure you come by!

Now, let me review: Lock City and I go back a few years. I found out about this con when it went to a hotel not too far from where I live. I'm not kidding, the con used to be like around the corner from me. You can't beat that sort of non-existent overhead. This con is another smaller one, but the guy who runs it takes care of his people, so this has always been a favorite of mine to go to. Last year, I did very well, and it was nice to see a bunch of return attendees come by and say they recognize me. The downside was, despite foot traffic, I didn't do as well as I would have liked. Oh, I made back table that's for sure, but I would have liked to have had more in sales. But, we shall see what happens. I hope this con comes back next year, since it's switching hands. But the new guy already seems to have much in hand, including a theme. So here's hoping!

Check out how my booth came out! Considering I forgot HALF my grids, I think this came out rather well!

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Happy Fluttershy Friday! I'M MOVING!!! (Also, #154, 155, 156, and 157!!!)

 OK, so first and foremost, SO SORRY for not a lot of posts. Creative burnout is real, as well as some BIG news... I AM MOVING INTO MY OWN H...