Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Con Review, pt. 2: BRONYCON!!

Hey fellow readers! Welcome to part two of this Con Review Tuesday, and now, we review BronyCon!

First of all, TERRIFICON is coming up this weekend, y'all! Yours truly will be there selling my wares, so just come by and give me all the money! Remember, I'll be in the Artist Alley area, at table 65, so make sure you come by!

Now, BronyCon has been a con near and dear to my heart for many years. It was the first BIG con I ever vended at, and I vended at it for many years. This fandom was also a fandom where I made many friends, many of whom have been there through the years where I had my highs and my lows. I can honestly say, without this fandom, I would not be where I am today. So I was extremely sad this year to find out that it would be the LAST BronyCon. I was also a bit bummed that I did not OFFICIALLY vend at the con, but I got lucky. My good friend, Kitty Sapphire, got an AA table and graciously allowed me to share with her. So I brought a few items, and I got to sell some of my work. I was super happy I got to do that. I also had items in the BronyCon Art Show, as many of you know, since I have been posting about them. I had about half of them sell, the other half did not, but I am getting them to the Traveling Pony Museum to travel with them. One of my biggest moments came when someone came by wearing my "Opposites Attrack" design from For Fans By Fans. I geeked out and was like, "THAT'S MY SHIRT!" The guy geeked out too, asked for a pic with me and for me to sign the shirt. It was awesome!

Kitty did very well herself, so check out her set-up below. I was between being with her and doing my own thing, since the share was last minute and I had already paid for a few panels in advance (mainly ones that required supplies). My biggest thing was actually the Cosplay Fashion Show. I have NEVER done anything cosplay related, cause usually contests, you have to make almost everything yourself, and I have next to zero sewing skills. You give me a base, and I can do epic stuff to it, but honestly, I can't sew. However, I got a LOT of compliments on the cosplay, and had a lot of fun with it. I am sorry to see this con go, as I have made lots of friends and have many good memories from the convention. I am just grateful for all the memories I have been given over the time that BronyCon was in my life.

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Happy Fluttershy Friday! I'M MOVING!!! (Also, #154, 155, 156, and 157!!!)

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