Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Fluttershy 90 pt. 2

Fluttershy number 90 is done! Oh my gosh, this hype is real!!! So, this Fluttershy is a custom I designed. I rarely keep my own customs, as I am one of those types of artists that often hates their own work. I currently have only three of my own customs: a G3 pegasus meant to be a winter to spring looking pony; my OC, Trot L'Oeil; and my Alicorn OC (yes I have one of those) named Princess Votia, the Princess of Wishes.

This Fluttershy is an alicorn Fluttershy. I have found these sort of fakie looking alicorn Mane 6 ponies over time on eBay, and I have been wanting to get one for myself. When it arrived, it looked a little sad, so I wanted to update her. So, here's what I did with this little pony:

First, I cleaned up the body and redid the cutie mark, one on each side. I did a base color on her shoes before going over it with a metallic green paint color. I used the same green to do highlights in her wings and over her collar and crown. I found a tiny little butterfly crystal that I used on her collar, and I found a cool simulated green opal that I used on her crown. I also styled her hair, and used a little product to keep the style going. Her biggest issue is still wanting to tip over (her body is a bit crooked), but I did try to form the body a bit with boiling water and tin foil.

Now, she is a part of the army!

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Happy Fluttershy Friday! I'M MOVING!!! (Also, #154, 155, 156, and 157!!!)

 OK, so first and foremost, SO SORRY for not a lot of posts. Creative burnout is real, as well as some BIG news... I AM MOVING INTO MY OWN H...