Sunday, February 10, 2019

Happy Self-Promotion Sunday!

Hello all you fabulous readers! I am finally back from my sickness, although I am still not at 100%, but I am getting there. It's a slow process, considering I had two different strains of the flu at the same time (yes, you read that right--two different strains of the flu at the same time). So, not much to show tonight, considering I am still recovering, but definitely a few things. First up, please go and vote for my new designs that are on For Fans By Fans. I submitted my Kirin/Nirik design, as well as one of my Care Bear designs. I'm waiting to see if another one of my Care Bear designs gets approved, so keep an eye out for it. Please go and check them out, and give them a vote:

Next up, my newest pony! I just finished this Zilla Flurry Heart, which includes styling the hair rather than sculpting. This was a first for me, so I was asking around on how to make the hair stay. Someone told me they had done glue, so I decided to try spray Mod Podge, which seems to be holding pretty well so far. Plus, I added a crown with some gems, to show off her princess status even more. Plus, it just adds to the cuteness factor. So check her out on my Etsy page soon!

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Happy Fluttershy Friday! I'M MOVING!!! (Also, #154, 155, 156, and 157!!!)

 OK, so first and foremost, SO SORRY for not a lot of posts. Creative burnout is real, as well as some BIG news... I AM MOVING INTO MY OWN H...