Monday, April 30, 2018

Fluttershys 92, 93, and 94: Fluffles Edition

Oh my goodness, it's getting so close!!! I have been getting some LOVELY pieces from my fellow customizers, and I can only hope that people will buy from these wonderful artists in the future! So now, this time, we have the Fluffle Fluttershys!

So, for those of you not in the fandom, Fluffle Puff was a fan made creation by Mixermike622, who was the original inventor of the race of Fluffy ponies. In common portrayals, fluffy ponies stand out from normal ponies by their smaller size and thicker fur. They are depicted in many different ways; the variety being their size, which can vary from a few inches to as much as four feet, and their thickness of fur, which can vary from leaving the neck exposed to as much as the only parts visible being the ends of the hooves and the face. Fluffy ponies are explained as having been bred for maximum cuteness and fluffiness.

I myself have made fluffy ponies before, but they can be hard work. But for my friend Nicole, they have become something so much more and I love them! She has made me an epic Fluffle custom before of a Maleficent Fluffle, which is just stunning. I asked her to make me three different Fluffle Fluttershys: a normal one, a rainbow powered one and a Flutterbat one. And oh my goodness, how cute they are!!! Here they are in all their glory, as well as in their current locations within the army!

Check out more of her stuff (as well as buy it) here!:

Twitter: @freckledfun1221

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Happy Fluttershy Friday! I'M MOVING!!! (Also, #154, 155, 156, and 157!!!)

 OK, so first and foremost, SO SORRY for not a lot of posts. Creative burnout is real, as well as some BIG news... I AM MOVING INTO MY OWN H...