Friday, February 12, 2021

Happy Fluttershy Friday!! #153

 Hello fellow readers, I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. We've had quite a bit of snow where I live! I have been getting back into the flow of work and trying to live as safely as possible. I have a new Fluttershy to show off, so let's get to her! This was a belated Christmas gift from my fabulous friend Kitty Sapphire! She made that CUTE Christmas print of her custom Eevolution, Smoreon (which I am trying to make a custom for her). The plush itself was made by Monoh Store, and it's SUPER adorable!! It came with a bunch of other cute Fluttershy stuff, and it came on the same day that I got my Luna pin from TechyCutie!

Happy Fluttershy Friday! I'M MOVING!!! (Also, #154, 155, 156, and 157!!!)

 OK, so first and foremost, SO SORRY for not a lot of posts. Creative burnout is real, as well as some BIG news... I AM MOVING INTO MY OWN H...